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Try your hand at keeping trains running on time!

Aspiring railway operators now have the chance to put your gaming skills to the test and keep virtual MTR trains running smoothly and according to schedule!

"MTR on the Go" mobile game app lets you take charge of station platforms, assisting passengers in need and enforcing MTR By-laws. What would you do if you saw a person holding a pet, eating or carrying bulky luggage? Remember, you have to act quickly or the train will be delayed!

The game takes you through nine levels of difficulty, each one represented by a different MTR line. Along the way, your good performance in maintaining order and a smooth train service is rewarded with tokens to collect virtual gifts including locomotives, MTR trains and even an MTR station!

This application offers both Chinese and English versions. "MTR on the Go" is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. iOS version 4.3 or above is required.